
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Here are some of the Question asked in General Awareness Section of IBPS Clerk exam on 27th November 2011 in the morning shift:

1). With which sport is Sania Nehwal Associated ?

2). With which sport is Ranji Trophy Related ?

3). M.S Alhuwalia was recently preseted with which Award ?

4). Which country is the largest producer of Jute?

5). The 2016 summer Olympics are scheduled to held in which country?
6). Which among the following countries is a member of G-8?

7). When is Ozone Day Celebrated ?

8). Who has recently been appointed the PM of South Sudan ?

9). Who has recently been appointed the PM of Japan ?

10). 2 questions are asked on "cheques" ?

11). What is the meaning of Non-performing assets ?

12). It is mandatory for all banks to follow the rules of which Act?

13). In BR act,what is the meaning of term "R" ?
14). The Ownerships of the public sector bank is under… !) 
  1).wholly owned by Govt of India 
  2) wholly owned by RBI 
  3) jointly owned by Gov of India and RBI 
  4) jointly owned by RBI.
  5) jointly owned by govt of india and share holders.

15). Which of the following award in music is given by Government of Madhya Pradesh?

16). One question is asked on Teesta dispute of INDIA and Bangladesh?

17). NEFT and RTGS are---? They are Electronic Fund Transfer system

18). What is the full form of ETS in banking terms ?

19). One question is asked on Books and Authors ?

20). Who is present Ex officio chairman ship in Rajya Sabha..?

21). Which state is the largest producer of Iron Ore in India ?

22). The major Objective of UNESCO is ?

23). Head Quarters of World Bank are Located at ?

24). Which bank has the largest no of branches and ATM`s in India?

25). Which current India gave license to use for exporting the goods?

26). What is the full form of NET in Banking terms ?

Thursday, November 24, 2011


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Monday, November 14, 2011

The hottest chille pepper in the world

In 2007, Guinness World Records certified the Bhut Jolokia as the world's hottest chili pepper, 401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce.[12] On December 3, 2010, the Bhut Jolokia was replaced as the hottest known chili pepper by the Naga Viper pepper, which has an average peak Scoville rating more than 300,000 points higher than an average Bhut Jolokia - but still not higher than the hottest ever recorded Dorset Naga.[13] In February 2011, Guinness World Records awarded the title of "World's Hottest Chilli" to the Infinity chilli grown in Grantham, England.[14] This chilli rates at 1,067,286 units on the Scoville scale.[15] Later the same month, on February 25, 2011, the title returned to the Naga Viper pepper with a rating of 1,382,118 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).[16] The current "world's hottest" is the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, officially tested at 1,463,700 SHU.


Friday, November 11, 2011


1. Regulations that arise to ensurethat firms take responsibility for the social costs of their products orproduction processes stem from which reason for government legislation ofbusiness?
(a) To protect companies from each other
(b) To protect consumers from unfair business practices
(c) To protect the interests of society
(d) To protect businesses from unfair consumerdemands
Ans : C

2. A “three-day cooling off period”in which buyers can cancel a contract after re-thinking it is to protect theconsumer from:
(a) creative selling
(b) high pressure selling
(c) detail selling
(d) hard core selling
Ans : B

3. One of the most promisingdevelopments in multivariable segmentation is called _____ where a host ofdemographic and socioeconomic factors are used
(a) terragraphic segmentation
(b) fermagraphic segmentation
(c) geothermy segmentation
(d) geodemographic segmentation
Ans : D

4. One of the most common problemswith using internal database information is that :
(a) since it was probably collected for some other purpose, it may be incompleteor wrong.
(b) it is usually expensive to retrieve.
(c) top executives are usually unwilling to relinquish data, therefore, thedata has limits.
(d) the data is almost always unsecured and therefore, suspect as toreliability
Ans : A

5. The last stage in the sellingprocess is the _____ stage.
(a) approach
(b) handling objections
(c) closing
(d) follow-up
Ans : D

6. When Coca-Cola and Nestle formed ajoint venture to market a ready-to-drink coffee and tea worldwide, the type ofmarketing system that was formed would best be described as being a(n):
(a) vertical marketing system
(b) parallel marketing system
(c) diversified marketing system
(d) horizontal marketing system
Ans : D

7. The major advantage of surveyresearch is its :
(a) simplicity
(b) structure
(c) organization
(d) flexibility
Ans : D

8. The _____ holds that consumerswill favor products that are available and highly affordable (therefore, workon improving production and distribution efficiency)
(a) product concept
(b) production concept
(c) production cost expansion concept
(d) marketing concept
Ans : B

9. A ____ is any activity or benefitoffered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result in theownership of anything
(a) demand
(b) basic staple
(c) product
(d) service
Ans : D

10. _____ is a person’sdistinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistentand lasting responses to his or her own environment
(a) Psychographics
(b) Personality
(c) Demographics
(d) Lifestyle
Ans : B

11. The place in the business buyingbehavior model where interpersonal and individual influence might interact iscalled the
(a) environment
(b) response
(c) stimuli
(d) buying center
Ans : D

12. The course of a product’s salesand profits over its lifetime is called
(a) the sales chart
(b) the dynamic growth curve
(c) the adoption cycle
(d) the product life cycle
Ans : D

13. When companies make marketingdecisions by considering consumer’s wants and the long-run interests of thecompany, consumer, and the general population, they are practicing which of thefollowing principles?
(a) Innovative marketing
(b) Consumer-oriented marketing
(c) Value marketing
(d) Societal marketing
Ans : D

14. All of the following are thoughtto be sources if new product ideas EXCEPT.
(a) internal sources
(b) customers
(c) competitors
(d) the local library
Ans : D

15. If Honda uses its company name tocover such different products as its automobiles, lawn mowers, and motorcycles,it is practicing which of the following strategies?
(a) new brand strategy
(b) line extension strategy
(c) multibrand strategy
(d) brand extension strategy
Ans : D

16. If a company (considering itsoptions on the product/market expansion grid) chooses to move into differentunrelated fields (from what it has ever done before) with new products as ameans to stimulate growth, the company would be following which of thefollowing general strategies?
(a) market penetration
(b) market development
(c) product development
(d) diversification
Ans : D

17. When a marketing researchorganization chooses a segment of the population that represents the populationas a whole, they have chosen a _____
(a) group
(b) bi-variant population
(c) sample
(d) market target
Ans : C

18. Joining with foreign companies toproduce or market products and services is called
(a) direct exporting
(b) indirect exporting
(c) licensing
(d) joint venturing
Ans : D

19. If advertising constantly sendsout messages about materialism, sex, power, and status, which of the followingcategories of social criticism most closely matches this problem?
(a) Too much advertising
(b) Too few social goods
(c) Cultural pollution
(d) Too much political power
Ans : C

20. A(n) ____ is a name, term, sign,symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the marker or sellerof a product or service.
(a) product feature
(b) sponsorship
(c) brand
(d) logo
Ans : C

21. If an advertiser wantsflexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage, broad acceptability andhigh believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the followingmass media types?
(a) Newspapers
(b) Television
(c) Direct Mail
(d) Radio
Ans : A

22. When producers, wholesalers, andretailers as a unified system, they comprise a
(a) conventional marketing system
(b) power-based marketing system
(c) horizontal marketing system
(d) vertical marketing system
Ans : D

23. The type of trade-promotiondiscount in which manufacturers agree to reduce the price to the retailer inexchange for the retailer’s agreement to feature the manufacture’s products insome way is called
(a) discount
(b) allowance
(c) premium
(d) rebate
Ans : B

24. The study of human populations interms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and otherstatistics is called :
(a) Geothermy
(b) Demography
(c) Ethnography
(d) Hemos-popography
Ans : B

25. Today, advertising captures about___ percent of total promotion spending
(a) 15
(b) 23
(c) 29
(d) 33
Ans : B

26. The process that turns marketingstrategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategicmarketing objectives is called :
(a) Marketing strategy
(b) Marketing control
(c) Marketing analysis
(d) Marketing implementation
Ans : D

27. The goal of the marketinglogistics system should be to provide :
(a) a targeted level of promotional support.
(b) a targeted level of customer service at the least cost.
(c) a targeted level of transportation expense ratio.
(d) a targeted level of field support.
Ans : B

28. The practice of going after alarge share of a smaller market or subsets of a few markets is called :
(a) undifferentiated marketing
(b) differentiated marketing
(c) concentrated marketing
(d) turbo marketing
Ans : C

29. The shrinking of distances due totechnological advance such as computer and fax connections by telephone, areone characteristic of what new challenge to marketing?
(a) Rapid globalization
(b) The changing world economy
(c) The call for more socially responsible marketing
(d) The micro-chip revolution
Ans : A

30. If Mark Mars pays Hershey FoodsCorporation for the right to use their name on his line of T-shirts, then Mr.Mars is using which type of branding?
(a) Licensed brand
(b) Manufacturer’s brand
(c) Private brand
(d) Co-brand
Ans : A

31. If your company were to makelight bulbs to be used in photocopies, you would most likely be selling to a______ market.
(a) reseller
(b) business
(c) government
(d) service
Ans : B

32. _____ has the advantage of beinghigh in selectivity; low cost, immediacy, and interactive capabilities
(a) Direct Mail
(b) Outdoor
(c) Online
(d) Radio
Ans : C

33. If your company were to make aproduct such as a suit of clothes and sold that product to a retailer, yourcompany would have sold to the _______market.
(a) reseller
(b) business
(c) government
(d) service
Ans : A

34. In 1985, the Coca-Cola Companymade a classic marketing blunder with its deletion of its popular Coca-Colaproduct and introduction of what it called New Coke. Analysts now believe thatmost of the company’s problems resulted from poor marketing research. As thepublic demanded their “old Coke” back, the company relented and reintroducedCoca-Cola Classic (which has regained and surpassed its former position) whileNew Coke owns only 0.1 percent of the market. Which of the following marketingresearch mistakes did coca-Cola make?
(a) They did not investigate pricing correctly and priced the product too high.
(b) They defined not investigate dealer reaction and had inadequatedistribution.
(c) They defined their marketing research problem too narrowly
(d) They failed to account for the Pepsi challenge taste test in theirmarketing efforts
Ans : C

35. Marketers are sometimes accusedof deceptive practices that lead consumers to believe they will get get morevalue than they actually do. ____ includes practices such as falselyadvertising “factory” or “wholesale” prices or a large price reduction from aphony high retail price.
(a) Deceptive promotion
(b) Deceptive packaging
(c) Deceptive pricing
(d) Deceptive cost structure
Ans : C

36. The advantages of audienceselectivity, no ad competition and personalization apply to which type ofmedia?
(a) Newspapers
(b) Television
(c) Direct Mail
(d) Radio
Ans : C

37. The first modern environmentalmovement in the United States began in theAns :
(a) 1940s
(b) 1950s
(c) 1960s and 1970s
(d) mid 1980s
Ans : C

38. Costs that do not vary withproduction or sales levels are called :
(a) fixed costs
(b) variable costs
(c) standard costs
(d) independent costs
Ans : A

39. Each salesperson is assigned toan exclusive area in which to sell the company’s full line of products orservices in which type of sales force structure?
(a) Territorial sales force
(b) Product sales force
(c) Customer sales force
(d) Hybrid sales force
Ans : A

40. Techonological advances, shiftsin consumer tastes, and increased competition, all of which reduce demand for aproduct are typical of which stage in the PLC?
(a) decline stage
(b) introduction stage
(c) growth stage
(d) maturity stage
Ans : A

41. Setting the promotion budget soas to match the budgets of the competition is characteristic of which of thefollowing budget methods?
(a) Affordable method
(b) Percentage-of-Sales method
(c) Competitive-and-parity method
(d) Objective -and-task method
Ans : C

42. ____ is screening new-productideas in order to spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible.
(a) Idea generation
(b) Concept development and testing
(c) Idea screening
(d) Brainstorming
Ans : C

43. The type of sales force structurein which the sales force sells along product lines is called a
(a) territorial sales force
(b) product sales force
(c) customer sales force
(d) retail sales force
Ans : B

44. A company is in the _____ stageof the new product development process when the company develops the productconcept into a physical product in order to assure that the product idea can beturned into a workable product.
(a) product development
(b) commercialization
(c) marketing strategy
(d) business analysis
Ans : A

45. When personal interviewinginvolves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few hours with a trainedinterviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization, the method iscalled :
(a) selective sponsorship
(b) probing
(c) focus group interviewing
(d) the Delphi method
Ans : C

46. All of the following factors canaffect the attractiveness of a market segment
(a) the presence of many strong and aggressive competitors
(b) the likelihood of government monitoring
(c) actual or potential substitute products
(d) the power of buyers in the segment
Ans : B

47. If a government uses barriers toforeign products such as biases against a foreign company’s bids, or productstandards that go against a foreign company’s product features, the governmentis using
(a) protectionism
(b) exchange controls
(c) exchange facilitators
(d) non-tariff trade barriers
Ans : D

48. The choice between high markupsand high volume is part of which of the following retailer marketing decisions?
(a) Target market decisions
(b) Product assortment and services decisions
(c) Pricing decisions
(d) Promotion decisions
Ans : C

49. One common misuse of marketingresearch findings in contemporary business is the tendency for marketingresearch to :
(a) become a vehicle for pitching the sponsor’s products
(b) become a vehicle for discriminating in the marketplace
(c) become a means for raising prices
(d) become a means for unfair competition
Ans : A

50. The most logical budget settingmethod is found in the list below. Which is it?
(a) Affordable method
(b) Percentage-of-Sales method
(c) Competitive-parity method
(d) Objective-and-task method
Ans : D


1.Which of the following company iscoordinating with Government of India in
Passport Seva Project ?

(A)Easrnst & Young
(B)Tata Consultancy Services
(D)Patni Computer System
Answer B

2.At what rate 25 kg of rice or wheatper month have been proposed to give to below
BPL people in the ambitious programmeenvisaged under the National Food Security
Act (NFSA)?

(A)Re. 1 per kg
(B)Rs. 2 per kg
(C)Rs. 3 Per Kg
(D)Rs. 4 per kg
(E)Rs. 5 per kg
Answer C

3.Which of the following state wasrecently in news for setting up unique English-
medium madrasas ?

(A)Andhra Pradesh
(B)Uttar Pradesh
(D)West Bengal
Answer D

4.Which of the following countries hadbanned the use of all foreign currencies in January 2010?

(B)North Korea
(E)None of the above
Answer B

5.Causing agent of which of thefollowing disease produces Integrase enzyme?
(B)Small Pox
(C)Swine flu
(E)Chicken Pox
Answer D

6.In which year Akbar’s reign ended?

Answer B

7.Which of the following MughalEmperors shifted his imperial court and residence
from Agra to Sikri, later renamed asFatehpur Sikri?
(E)None of the above
Answer B

8.In which of the following the term“cap and trade” is used?

(A)Share Broking
(B)Mutual Fund Investments
(C)Emission Trading
(D)Commodity Futures
Answer C

9.Kookaburras is the nickname of HockeyTeam of which of the following country ?

(D)New Zealand
Answer C

10.Which of the following WinterOlympics were held in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada in February 2010?

Answer B

11.Which among the following countryhas highest GDP per capita in the world?
(E)Saudi Arabia
Answer D

12.Which among the following is notcorrectly matched?
(A)Stephen Harper – Prime Minister ofCanada
(B)Hu Jintao – President of China
(C)Angela Merkel – Chancellor ofGermany
(D)Yukio Amano – Prime Minister ofJapan
(E)Najib Tun Razak – Prime Ministerof Malaysia
Answer D

13.Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam is alegendary _________Dancer?
(A)Bharat natyam
(E)None of them
Answer A

14.In which country is located HagiaSophia?
(A) Greece
Answer C

15.Which among the following mascotsfor the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympics Games was a mythical sea bear?

(E)None of them
Answer A

16.Sattriya dance, which is one of theeight principal classical Indian dance traditions
is from which of the following states?
(A)West Bengal
Answer D

17.Who among the following currentlyheads Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)?

(A)Ahmad Qurei
(B)Khaled Mashal
(C)Mahmoud Abbas
(D)Aziz Duwaik
(E)None of the above
Answer C

18.What is the current approximatevalue of 1 SDR in Indian Rupees?
(A)51 Rupees
(B)41 Rupees
(C)68 Rupees
(D)86 Rupees
(E)102 Rupees
Answer C

19.Which among the following is not acurrency?
Answer D

20.An estimate of a sum required tomeet the expenditure that it incurs during the first three to four months of anelection financial year until a new government is in place, to keep the machinery running isalso known as ______?

(A)Interim Budget
(B)Vote on Account
(C)Expenditure Budget
(D)Demand Grant
(E)None of the above
Answer B

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Largest Producers in the World 2010

Largest Producers in the World 2010

a) The Largest Producer of Cotton in the World : China

b) The Largest producer of groundnut in World :India
c) The Largest Cattle production in World : India

more details posting soon...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


the minimum marks required in each section in IBPS Clerical exam?


In IBPS Common Written Exam (CWE), you can see 5 sections. Those five sections can be named as follows:

Quantitative Aptitude

50 questions -- 50 marks

cut-off 33


50 questions -- 50 marks

cut-off 30-33

General Awareness

50 questions -- 50 marks

cut-off near to 25

Computer Knowledge

50 questions -- 50 marks

cut-off 35

English Language

50 questions -- 25 marks

cut-off 10-12

The Total time is 150 min and the total marks are 225.

Descriptive exam

Essay and Letter writing -- 60 min

25 marks

cut-off around 15 marks.

--> In general, you need to get a score of 70% to secure a job in any of the 19 banks. Which mean a 70% of 250 is 175.

-->If the Exam is very tough, then you need to get around 60% - 65%, which means a marks of 140 - 145.

Read: Tell me the minimum marks required in each section in IBPS Clerical exam? 2011